General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (2024)

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Related Story General Hospital Spoilers August 5 - 9 Most Popular TJ Leans on His Family While Molly Confronts Ava — and Donna's Medical Emergency Leads to a Stunning Revelation The View Announces Major Change For Next Season: ‘We’re Sad to Say Goodbye’ Hope Thinks About Taking Finn From Steffy — and Brooke and Ridge Fly Home <p><strong>Current status:</strong> He’s served her with divorce papers rather than breakfast in bed. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Nina’s decision to rat out Sonny’s ex Carly to the SEC has put their relationship to the test — one that it just might not pass!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> In the end zone. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Learning that Dex was willing to kill Cyrus on Sonny’s orders prompted Josslyn to take out a hit on their relationship.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> TBD. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Jason’s in a mess of trouble. But if his former wife has anything to say about it, he won’t be in it alone.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Cue The Carpenters’ “We’ve Only Just Begun.” <strong>Their biggest obstacle: </strong>Take your pick — Blaze’s super-religious and disapproving family or Kristina’s decision to act as sis Molly’s surrogate.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> See photo above. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’ve rebounded from the misstep that nearly did in their romance. But is the attraction of these opposites strong enough to make them lifers?</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> None. Their relationship is healing as quickly as Curtis is nowadays.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Splitsville. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The minute Drew heard that his “late” brother Jason was back among the living, he knew that his relationship with Carly had one foot in the grave. He just gave it a shove over the edge.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Made for each other. <strong>Their biggest obstacle: </strong>It’s only a matter of (very little) time before Brando’s widow and her hero leave the friend zone for good.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… with problems. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> His keeping her mother’s S-E-C-ret from her has left her as ticked at him as she is Nina. And she’s <em>hella</em> ticked at Nina!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Frenemies. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though Avery’s parents would probably make a killer power couple, she’s just happy that she still has a pulse after murdering his old flame, Connie.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Oh my. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s committed to Martin. Yet plotting anew with Scotty left Lucy making hay with her ex too quickly for either of them to bail.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Long done. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Like Sam after her, Elizabeth refused to risk her children’s lives to be with Sonny’s enforcer. But, should she get another chance with Jake’s dad, would she throw caution to the wind and — sorry, Finn — take it?</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Amicable exes.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Ned’s happily hitched to Lois’ pal, Olivia. On top of that, Rena Sofer thinks that it would be cruel to her and former husband Wally Kurth’s spouses to re-pair them on screen. (<a href="" target="_blank">Read her comments here.</a>)</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The shadow of his comatose wife, Lulu, looms large over their future. Which is odd, because Lulu is not very tall. There’s also the fact that her favorite ex, Jason, just rose from the grave. Yes, again.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily hitched. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s hard to keep a relationship stable in a town as quake-prone as Port Charles. Plus, are they really ready to step in as baby Ace’s parents?</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Finished. Done. Forever. Er, for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Now that Sonny has left Nina, there might have been a chance that Carly would forgive and forget — if Jason hadn’t come back, that is.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s resolved now that the amnesiac has remembered who he is and, just as important, who his family is.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together at last. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> First, she recalled killing his wife. Then, she lied that she was having Nikolas’ baby. And still, they couldn’t just say, “Enough already.”</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> The picture of a perfect couple. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The marrieds’ family tree is sure to be uprooted when they find out that a branch needs to be hung for Cody.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Life partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> With Kristina acting as surrogate, the couple’s efforts to start a family just might be the end of ’em.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Consider their interest piqued. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Diane is understandably reluctant to hold out her heart to a guy whose own still belongs to his exes, Anna and Holly. Robert, in turn, has reservations about dating the local crimelord’s biggest defender.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Old flames with warm feelings. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Is there one, really? Now that Anna’s dumped Valentin and Sonny’s on the outs with Nina, the scheme team could discover that they’d also make a dream team.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Past tense. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Even before his latest demise, she’d stuck a fork in their dangerous relationship. Now that he’s back, she thinks he shot her new love, Dante.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> A non-starter. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> As hot as they were and as warm as the pairing’s reception was, <em>General Hospital</em> seems to have decided to instead pair her with Brick.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Let’s say… strained. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Deception isn’t just the name of Lucy’s embattled company, it’s also one of her and Marty’s favorite pastimes.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Fun while it lasted. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The coconspirators had scarcely left the starting gate when the doctor was sent to the permanent finish line.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> “Exed” out. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’d be pretty hard for them to come back from Ava “killing” Nikolas (here Marcus Coloma) to keep him from kidnapping daughter Avery. Then again, before he left Port Charles, we <em>did</em> see some of those old, less homicidal feelings beneath the surface…</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> RIP. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> First, their baby died, then so did Brando. Yeah, 2022 was <em>not</em> a good year for Sasha.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Again, divorced. But besides that, he’s now married to Portia.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Kaput — we hope. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Her abduction of her ex and girlfriend Trina made the kind of splash from which neither Spencer nor Esme seemed likely to return anytime soon.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong>A non-starter.<strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They were just beginning to really connect when The Hook hastened the terminally ill doctor’s demise.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Broken up.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong>The sex-tape debacle threw such a cold bucket of water on them that it was easy for Dex to reheat her.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Alas, only a memory. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> A combo platter of Valentin’s lies and Anna’s shooting his daughter added up to a soul-stomping split.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brad’s lie about Wiley’s parentage was the kinda deal-breaker that his husband didn’t want to renegotiate.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong>A thing of the past.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> His hookup with his son’s scheming girlfriend will go down in history as one of his biggest regrets.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Longtime pals. <strong>Their biggest obstacle: </strong>Their shared grief over Spencer’s “death” could lead to the duo reevaluating their residence in the friend zone… just in time for Trina’s “late” boyfriend to return.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sparring partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Having been diagnosed with ALS, Gregory is more concerned with his life than his love life.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sadly ended. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The <a href="" target="_blank">real-life loss of Sonya Eddy</a> cut short her character’s <span style="text-decoration: line-through">latest</span> last love story.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Over… board. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Nicholas Alexander Chavez’s temporary exit</a> as Spencer left Trina’s honey, however unintentionally, telling her, “<em>Sea</em> ya.”</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dead and buried. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s pretty hard to get a relationship going when <span style="text-decoration: line-through">both characters are</span> one of the characters is pushing up daisies.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Apart… for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> In the end, we’re pretty sure they’re going to realize that they’re meant for one another. But in the middle, oof. She’s letting for grief over daughter Britt’s death bury her relationship, too.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Separated… though not by choice. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Just as the Falconeris appeared to be on the verge of reuniting, she slipped into a coma and he, into Sam’s arms.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Classmates… and crushes. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Elizabeth is a blessedly accepting and supportive mom. But hom*ophobia and intolerance threaten to make Aiden’s first love as scary as joyful.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Finito. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> After she fell for fake husband Michael for real, Chase moved on — and <em>toward</em> Brook Lynn.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Over before they began. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> His sister Amy’s conniving moved him right out of town — and her boss’ life.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> They are, as k.d. lang would sing, one another’s constant craving. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Circ*mstances keep conspiring to keep them from being together long enough to do more than steal the occasional kiss.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> There was more to the doctor than met the eye — and Maxie didn’t like what she saw.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Playing detective.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The police commissioner is all business, the investigator, all funny business.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> This is one case of puppy love that just might bite, owing to the fact that Charlotte creepily takes after her malevolent late grandmother, Helena.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong>Former General Hospital colleagues. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> First she stuck him in the friend zone. Then she herself got stuck in the morgue!</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> A grave matter. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> If her love for Spencer drove one nail after another into their relationship’s coffin, Rory’s death drove the final one in.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Old friends, ex-lovers and coconspirators. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Liz is in a relationship with Finn, and Nikolas is behind bars. For now.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sweethearts. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Given their lack of screentime, we can’t tell whether they’re getting enough quality time.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Matching wits… and more? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> ALS may shorten Gregory’s life to the point that Tracy doesn’t get to play a very big role in it.</p> <p><strong>Current status:</strong> Status? Are you kidding? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Ava would sooner drop dead than have anything to do with the obsessed serial killer. Thankfully, he was dispatched before it came to that.</p> FAQs References
  • General Hospital
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Curtis Harding

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (1)

Credit: ABC

Josslyn and Dex have been building for months now on General Hospital. Their love split Joss and Cameron, worried Michael and has been delighting portrayers Eden McCoy and Evan Hofer — especially when they got that incredible looking (and we’re sure incredibly tasting) cake!

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General Hospital Spoilers August 5 - 9

But the Port Charles duo still have a ways to go and when Michael and Sonny’s feud finally goes from covert to full-on explosion, we have a feeling this relationship is going to be put to the ultimate test! But maybe that all won’t matter as much so long as the love between the two is strong. With that said, though, that is one thing that’s been missing. And we aren’t talking about love, per se, but the fact that neither Dex nor Josslyn have used the “L” word just yet!

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (3)

“When I look in your eyes, Josslyn, all I can think is how much I really, really… like you. Um, Joss? Wake up?”

Credit: ABC screenshot

So the folks over at “Jex” Universe decided to hold a Twitter poll, asking who fans of the super couple would like to hear utter “I love you” first: Josslyn or Dex? Now that’s all well and good and every “Jex” fan has their own opinion, but it didn’t take long for McCoy herself to chime in… after voting in the poll!

“Guess who I voted for,” she replied. Well, we would, but it didn’t take long for it to become moot once Evan Hofer got his hands on the Twitter thread.

“I love you,” he replied. “Sorry, what are we talking about?”

I love you. Sorry, what are we talking about?

— Evan Hofer (@EvanHofer) April 23, 2023

Well, OK then, does that count? Have we just gotten word of who’s saying those three words first?

Heck, does it really matter, so long as they’re reciprocated? Let’s just hope that they get to it before things getreallymessy in the Corinthos family feud!

Check out our photo gallery of General Hospital‘s couples to see who’s together in Port Charles and who’s falling apart!

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TJ Leans on His Family While Molly Confronts Ava — and Donna's Medical Emergency Leads to a Stunning Revelation

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General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (9)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> He’s served her with divorce papers rather than breakfast in bed. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Nina’s decision to rat out Sonny’s ex Carly to the SEC has put their relationship to the test — one that it just might not pass!</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (10)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> In the end zone. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Learning that Dex was willing to kill Cyrus on Sonny’s orders prompted Josslyn to take out a hit on their relationship.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (11)

Image: Jill Johnson/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> TBD. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Jason’s in a mess of trouble. But if his former wife has anything to say about it, he won’t be in it alone.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (12)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Cue The Carpenters’ “We’ve Only Just Begun.” <strong>Their biggest obstacle: </strong>Take your pick — Blaze’s super-religious and disapproving family or Kristina’s decision to act as sis Molly’s surrogate.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (13)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> See photo above. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They’ve rebounded from the misstep that nearly did in their romance. But is the attraction of these opposites strong enough to make them lifers?</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (14)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> None. Their relationship is healing as quickly as Curtis is nowadays.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (15)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Splitsville. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The minute Drew heard that his “late” brother Jason was back among the living, he knew that his relationship with Carly had one foot in the grave. He just gave it a shove over the edge.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (17)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married… with problems. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> His keeping her mother’s S-E-C-ret from her has left her as ticked at him as she is Nina. And she’s <em>hella</em> ticked at Nina!</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (18)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Frenemies. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Though Avery’s parents would probably make a killer power couple, she’s just happy that she still has a pulse after murdering his old flame, Connie.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (19)

Image: Disney


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Oh my. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> She’s committed to Martin. Yet plotting anew with Scotty left Lucy making hay with her ex too quickly for either of them to bail.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (20)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Long done. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Like Sam after her, Elizabeth refused to risk her children’s lives to be with Sonny’s enforcer. But, should she get another chance with Jake’s dad, would she throw caution to the wind and — sorry, Finn — take it?</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (21)

Image: The Walt Disney Company


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Amicable exes.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Ned’s happily hitched to Lois’ pal, Olivia. On top of that, Rena Sofer thinks that it would be cruel to her and former husband Wally Kurth’s spouses to re-pair them on screen. (<a href="" target="_blank">Read her comments here.</a>)</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (22)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The shadow of his comatose wife, Lulu, looms large over their future. Which is odd, because Lulu is not very tall. There’s also the fact that her favorite ex, Jason, just rose from the grave. Yes, again.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (23)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Happily hitched. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s hard to keep a relationship stable in a town as quake-prone as Port Charles. Plus, are they really ready to step in as baby Ace’s parents?</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (24)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Finished. Done. Forever. Er, for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Now that Sonny has left Nina, there might have been a chance that Carly would forgive and forget — if Jason hadn’t come back, that is.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (25)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Married. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s resolved now that the amnesiac has remembered who he is and, just as important, who his family is.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (26)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Together at last. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> First, she recalled killing his wife. Then, she lied that she was having Nikolas’ baby. And still, they couldn’t just say, “Enough already.”</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (27)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> The picture of a perfect couple. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The marrieds’ family tree is sure to be uprooted when they find out that a branch needs to be hung for Cody.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (28)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Life partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> With Kristina acting as surrogate, the couple’s efforts to start a family just might be the end of ’em.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (29)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Consider their interest piqued. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Diane is understandably reluctant to hold out her heart to a guy whose own still belongs to his exes, Anna and Holly. Robert, in turn, has reservations about dating the local crimelord’s biggest defender.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (30)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Old flames with warm feelings. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Is there one, really? Now that Anna’s dumped Valentin and Sonny’s on the outs with Nina, the scheme team could discover that they’d also make a dream team.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (31)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Past tense. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Even before his latest demise, she’d stuck a fork in their dangerous relationship. Now that he’s back, she thinks he shot her new love, Dante.</p>

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> A non-starter. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> As hot as they were and as warm as the pairing’s reception was, <em>General Hospital</em> seems to have decided to instead pair her with Brick.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (33)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Let’s say… strained. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Deception isn’t just the name of Lucy’s embattled company, it’s also one of her and Marty’s favorite pastimes.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (34)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Fun while it lasted. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The coconspirators had scarcely left the starting gate when the doctor was sent to the permanent finish line.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (35)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> “Exed” out. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’d be pretty hard for them to come back from Ava “killing” Nikolas (here Marcus Coloma) to keep him from kidnapping daughter Avery. Then again, before he left Port Charles, we <em>did</em> see some of those old, less homicidal feelings beneath the surface…</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (36)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> RIP. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> First, their baby died, then so did Brando. Yeah, 2022 was <em>not</em> a good year for Sasha.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (37)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Again, divorced. But besides that, he’s now married to Portia.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (38)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Kaput — we hope. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Her abduction of her ex and girlfriend Trina made the kind of splash from which neither Spencer nor Esme seemed likely to return anytime soon.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (39)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong>A non-starter.<strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> They were just beginning to really connect when The Hook hastened the terminally ill doctor’s demise.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (40)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Broken up.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong>The sex-tape debacle threw such a cold bucket of water on them that it was easy for Dex to reheat her.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (41)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Alas, only a memory. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> A combo platter of Valentin’s lies and Anna’s shooting his daughter added up to a soul-stomping split.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (42)

Image: ABC screenshot (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Divorced. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Brad’s lie about Wiley’s parentage was the kinda deal-breaker that his husband didn’t want to renegotiate.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (43)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong>A thing of the past.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> His hookup with his son’s scheming girlfriend will go down in history as one of his biggest regrets.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (44)

Image: ABC screenshot (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Longtime pals. <strong>Their biggest obstacle: </strong>Their shared grief over Spencer’s “death” could lead to the duo reevaluating their residence in the friend zone… just in time for Trina’s “late” boyfriend to return.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (45)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sparring partners. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Having been diagnosed with ALS, Gregory is more concerned with his life than his love life.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (46)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sadly ended. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The <a href="" target="_blank">real-life loss of Sonya Eddy</a> cut short her character’s <span style="text-decoration: line-through">latest</span> last love story.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (47)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Over… board. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Nicholas Alexander Chavez’s temporary exit</a> as Spencer left Trina’s honey, however unintentionally, telling her, “<em>Sea</em> ya.”</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (48)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dead and buried. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> It’s pretty hard to get a relationship going when <span style="text-decoration: line-through">both characters are</span> one of the characters is pushing up daisies.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (49)

Image: ABC screenshot (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Apart… for now. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> In the end, we’re pretty sure they’re going to realize that they’re meant for one another. But in the middle, oof. She’s letting for grief over daughter Britt’s death bury her relationship, too.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (50)

Image: Howard Wise/JPI


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Separated… though not by choice. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Just as the Falconeris appeared to be on the verge of reuniting, she slipped into a coma and he, into Sam’s arms.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (51)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Classmates… and crushes. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Elizabeth is a blessedly accepting and supportive mom. But hom*ophobia and intolerance threaten to make Aiden’s first love as scary as joyful.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (52)

Image: Michael Yada/ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Finito. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> After she fell for fake husband Michael for real, Chase moved on — and <em>toward</em> Brook Lynn.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (53)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Over before they began. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> His sister Amy’s conniving moved him right out of town — and her boss’ life.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (54)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> They are, as k.d. lang would sing, one another’s constant craving. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Circ*mstances keep conspiring to keep them from being together long enough to do more than steal the occasional kiss.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (55)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Done. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> There was more to the doctor than met the eye — and Maxie didn’t like what she saw.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (56)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Playing detective.<strong> Their biggest obstacle:</strong> The police commissioner is all business, the investigator, all funny business.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (57)

Image: The Walt Disney Company


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Dating. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> This is one case of puppy love that just might bite, owing to the fact that Charlotte creepily takes after her malevolent late grandmother, Helena.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (58)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong>Former General Hospital colleagues. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> First she stuck him in the friend zone. Then she herself got stuck in the morgue!</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (59)

Image: ABC screenshot


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> A grave matter. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> If her love for Spencer drove one nail after another into their relationship’s coffin, Rory’s death drove the final one in.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (60)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Old friends, ex-lovers and coconspirators. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Liz is in a relationship with Finn, and Nikolas is behind bars. For now.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (61)

Image: ABC


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Sweethearts. <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Given their lack of screentime, we can’t tell whether they’re getting enough quality time.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (62)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Matching wits… and more? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> ALS may shorten Gregory’s life to the point that Tracy doesn’t get to play a very big role in it.</p>

General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (63)

Image: ABC (2)


<p><strong>Current status:</strong> Status? Are you kidding? <strong>Their biggest obstacle:</strong> Ava would sooner drop dead than have anything to do with the obsessed serial killer. Thankfully, he was dispatched before it came to that.</p>

Previous in NewsGeneral Hospital Alum Wes Ramsey 'Thrilled to Be Returning to Paris for This Adventure'Next in NewsGeneral Hospital’s Nicholas Alexander Chavez Laments a Missed Opportunity With Tabyana Ali: ‘I Was Mad as Hell’
General Hospital’s Evan Hofer Finally Says Exactly What ‘Jex’ Fans Have Been Waiting to Hear (2024)


Is dex off gh for good? ›

GENERAL Hospital fans have been left shocked and confused after Dex Heller returned to the show on Wednesday. The character, portrayed by actor Evan Hofer, left town just a week and a half ago, and many viewers thought he was gone for good – or at least for a long while.

Is Dex coming back to General Hospital? ›

Hofer was bumped up to contract status in September 2022. On February 16, 2024, Dex left town but Hofer has mentioned he met Adam J. Harrington and Steve Burton on set so he will be returning. Hofer returned as Dex on February 28.

Where is Evan Hofer from? ›

Evan Hofer was born in Leavenworth, Kansas, USA. He is an actor, known for General Hospital (1963), Dwight in Shining Armor (2018) and Run the Race (2018).

Who is Dex on General Hospital in real life? ›

Evan Hofer is an American television actor, who portrays Dex Heller in the ABC daytime soap opera General Hospital.

What is the downside of DeX? ›

Performance (DEXes usually don't have a sophisticated dedicated infrastructure where exchanges take place so everything relies on public infrastructure. Thus DEXes are sometimes perceived as slow and unreliable). Fees (while slippage is a problem for DEXes, CEXes have usually lots of fees for everything you do.

Is Sonny leaving General Hospital in 2024? ›

As of early July 2024, neither Benard nor any producer of General Hospital has spoken about Sonny's potential death in season 61. Introduced in 1993, Sonny remains one of the most important characters in the series.

Is General Hospital coming to an end? ›

That's why so many big names have faded out in the last few years. But General Hospital hasn't gone anywhere and doesn't appear to be anytime soon. In June 2022, it celebrated its 15,000th episode, and ABC honored the 60th anniversary with a primetime special in January 2024.

Who is leaving GH in 2024? ›

General Hospital spoilers reveal that several cast changes are coming for the show in 2024. Avery Kristen Pohl exited when Esme Prince fell overboard and was presumed dead. Spencer Cassadine (Alexander Chavez) fell overboard as well and there is news about him too.

Who's leaving General Hospital? ›

Kelly Monaco Is Leaving General Hospital After 21 Years on the Soap Opera. Sabienna Bowman is a Digital News Editor at PEOPLE, where she has been working since 2023. She previously worked at POPSUGAR, Bustle and Scarymommy. Kelly Monaco is saying goodbye to Port Charles after more than two decades.

Who did Evan Hofer play on Modern Family? ›

"Modern Family" First Days (TV Episode 2013) - Evan Hofer as Big Guy - IMDb.

Where is the original Joss on General Hospital? ›

On December 18, 2023, the role of Josslyn was temporarily recast with actress Courtney Fulk. She will be portraying Josslyn through early February while McCoy is on bereavement leave. On January 9, 2024, McCoy revealed that she's heading back to the GH studio.

Who plays Dex Heller in General Hospital? ›

Dex Heller, played by Evan Hofer, is a relatively new character on the long-running soap General Hospital.

Is Sasha pregnant in real life on General Hospital? ›

The actress, who plays Sasha Gilmore on the ABC soap opera, is pregnant, expecting her second baby with husband Thomas Payton, she revealed on Instagram Thursday. "Many of you guessed it already... Baby girl due in May 💖," she captioned a sweet photo of herself showing off her baby bump in a pink floral dress.

Is it worth it to betray DeX? ›

Should Players Side With Dex or Evelyn in Cyberpunk 2077? It doesn't seem to matter which party V chooses to side with. Because of the way the events of the heist go down, V and Jackie won't get paid, and Dex will stab V in the back regardless, likely for more money in his pocket.

Does DeX mode drain battery? ›

You may need to use a dock/converter that's externally powered if possible or at least be aware of battery drain as the Galaxy S23's battery lasted around three and a half hours when using DeX.


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.