Rite Aid W2 Form (2024)

1. Tax Form Management

  • Tax Topics · Form W-2 Questions · Form 1095-C Questions · Tax Tips.

  • Tax Form Management

2. Login | Rite Aid Employees

  • Rite Aid Employees Customer Secure Login Page. Login to your Rite Aid Employees Customer Account.

3. Contact Us - Rite Aid

  • Contact the Rite Aid customer care team to get support for in-store and online shopping as well as information about our loyalty program.

  • Contact Us | Rite Aid

Contact Us - Rite Aid

4. Tax Form Management Login

  • This process allows you to share your screen with an Equifax customer service agent for support purpose. You must currently be interacting with an agent.

  • Remember my Employer Name or Code

5. Corporate - Rite Aid

Corporate - Rite Aid

6. What Is a W-2 Form? How to Read It and When You Should Receive It

  • 13 jun 2024 · IRS Form W-2, also known as a “Wage and Tax Statement,” reports an employee's income from the prior year and how much tax the employer withheld.

  • Form W-2 is a record of your annual wages and how much tax you paid on them. Here's how to get a W-2 form and how to read it.

What Is a W-2 Form? How to Read It and When You Should Receive It

7. About IRS Form W-2 - Employee Workday Help

  • 22 apr 2024 · The IRS Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement (PDF) reports all taxable wages paid to and taxes withheld from an employee during the calendar year ...

  • The IRS Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement (PDF) reports all taxable wages paid to and taxes withheld from an employee during the calendar year, from the January 10 payday through the December 25...

About IRS Form W-2 - Employee Workday Help

8. Paperless Pay Login

  • Paperless Pay; Login. LOGIN. EMPLOYER CODE. Remember my Employer Code. Privacy Policy · Terms of Use · Security. FooterImage. Copyright 2024 Equifax ...

  • Remember my Employer Code

9. [PDF] 2023 W-2 Questions and Answers: For Employees

  • 9 jan 2024 · 4) I revoked my consent to have electronic W2 forms via W-2 consent page in Core-. CT. When attempting to save the Core-CT consent page ...

10. It's Tax Season, Got Your W-2? - UFCW Local 135

  • 18 feb 2021 · RITE AID Go to www.mytaxform.com and enter Employer Code 70131. If ... Forms · The Worker Magazine · Kaiser Permanente · SDG&E Assistance ...

  • With tax season upon us, we anticipate many members are wondering how to get a copy of their W-2 if they never received one or have misplaced it. Here is a list of some of our bargaining units and the steps to take to get another copy of your W-2.

It's Tax Season, Got Your W-2? - UFCW Local 135

11. IRS 1098-T Tax Form - SUNY Westchester Community College

  • ... form generated and/or mailed to them. In 2023 due to The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, students may have received one or ...

  • Eligible educational institutions, such as Westchester Community College, are required to submit the student’s name, address, and taxpayer’s identification number, enrollment and academic status. The IRS instructs institutions to report either payments received (Box 1) or amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses (Box 2) on the 1098-T. Westchester Community College reports payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses during the tax year (Box 1) and scholarships and grants (Box 5). Therefore Box 2 will be blank.

12. Tax Information | Illinois Institute of Technology

  • What do I do? You must file the Form 8843. I had an on-campus or off-campus job and received a W2 or 1099? You must file ...

  • Tax-filing requirementsWhich forms do I complete?Federal taxState taxGlossaryRefund for Social Security and MedicareIdentify theft and tax-filing scamsResourcesTax-Filing RequirementsIf you were an

13. Paychecks & W2 Forms - Dartmouth

  • 8 aug 2023 · Paychecks & W2 Forms. As a reminder, Dartmouth pay checks and deposit statements, regardless of how delivered, are confidential documents to ...

  • As a reminder, Dartmouth pay checks and deposit statements, regardless of how delivered, are confidential documents to be opened only by the addressee. These documents should never be opened or read by anyone other than the intended recipient.

14. Income Tax Credits - Dallas College

  • Your 1098-T forms for the prior calendar year​ will be mailed or available online by Feb. 1. Note: If the total amount of the financial aid, grants, ...

  • ​If you are taking classes for college credit, you may be able to reduce your federal income tax, thanks to the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (TRA).​

Income Tax Credits - Dallas College

15. What was your parents' total income tax for 2021? - Federal Student Aid

  • If neither of your parents will file a federal tax return, enter zero. Note: The line numbers above are from the IRS tax form, not from the W-2 form.

  • Loading...

16. Account Access | Log In or Register - The Hartford

  • Visit our customer service center to log into your auto, home, business, investment, group benefits or partner account with The Hartford.

  • Visit our customer service center to log into your auto, home, business, investment, group benefits or partner account with The Hartford. This portal offers easy access to Express Pay, auto ID cards, policy information, bills and claims, Certificates, and even a way to submit audits.

Account Access | Log In or Register - The Hartford

17. The Work Number: Digital Verification Solutions - Income & Employment

  • The Work Number database provides comprehensive verification services for commercial and government verifiers, employers and employees.

18. Rite Aid Pharmacy #6214 - Congresswoman Barragan

  • Bring government-issued ID, Medicare Part B form of insurance or insurance card, proof of employment in an eligible work sector (badge, w2, paystub). Stay up ...

  • Rite Aid Pharmacy #6214

Rite Aid W2 Form (2024)


How to get W-2 from Rite Aid? ›

@pipebombz Please call 1-800-RITE AID (1-800-748-3243) as they will be able to transfer you to the correct team member to get your W2.

How should I fill out my W-2 form? ›

  1. Box a—Employer's name, address, and ZIP code.
  2. Box b—Employer identification number (EIN).
  3. Box c—Tax year/Form corrected.
  4. Box d—Employee's correct SSN.
  5. Box e—Corrected SSN and/or name.
  6. Box f—Employee's previously reported SSN.
  7. Box g—Employee's previously reported name.

Did I make enough to get a W-2? ›

Your employer will issue you a W-2 if you've earned $600 or more in wages within the last year. If you withheld income (no matter the amount) for Social Security, Medicare, or state and federal taxes, you will also receive a W-2.

What can you expect to receive the W-2 form? ›

Typically, you can expect to get your W-2s in the mail, although some employers send out electronic versions. You should receive a W-2 from every employer that paid you $600 or more during the year — unless you're an independent contractor, in which case you'll receive Form 1099 instead.

Can I look up my W-2 online? ›

If your employer has an online portal where you access paycheck information, time cards, and other employment information, log into the website to see if your W-2 can be accessed there. Even if you can't find it in your email or online, you may still be able to get it electronically.

How can I get my W-2 online without contacting my employer? ›

Can I get a transcript or copy of Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, from the IRS? You can get a wage and income transcript, containing the Federal tax information your employer reported to the Social Security Administration (SSA), by visiting our Get your tax records and transcripts page.

Is it better to claim 1 or 0? ›

Claiming 1 reduces the amount of taxes that are withheld from weekly paychecks, so you get more money now with a smaller refund. Claiming 0 allowances may be a better option if you'd rather receive a larger lump sum of money in the form of your tax refund.

What happens if you don't fill out your W-2? ›

Penalties range from $60 to $630 per form for the 2023 tax year and are usually based on when the correct Form W-2 is filed after the missed deadline. In other words, there are specific dates business owners must be aware of. The following penalties apply to the 2023 tax year. The stakes rise as August 1 approaches.

Will the IRS catch a missing W-2? ›

We'll contact your employer and request the missing W-2. We'll also send you a copy of Form 4852, Substitute for Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. You can use this to file your tax return without your W-2.

Will I get a W-2 if I earned less than $600? ›

An employer must issue you a Form W-2 if you were paid at least $600 in cash or cash equivalent during the year, including taxable benefits. It doesn't matter how many hours you worked, or how long you were employed.

What is the income minimum for W-2? ›

Under age 65. Single. Don't have any special circ*mstances that require you to file (like self-employment income) Earn less than $13,850 (which is the 2023 standard deduction for a taxpayer filing as Single)

What is the penalty for incorrect W-2? ›

Incorrect Form W-2 penalties are calculated at a rate of $100 for each incorrect form. The Social Security Administration has been returning forms W-2 with name/number mismatch problems to employers for corrections for the last several years, but there is now new W-2 tax form information that employers must be wary of.

How do I know if my W-2 is correct? ›

There are three easy steps to make sure your W-2 is correct:
  1. Check the spelling of your name. No nicknames here — you'll want to ensure your full name is spelled out.
  2. Verify that your social security number is listed correctly.
  3. Double-check that your taxable wages are correct.
Jan 26, 2021

Does my W-2 tell me how much I get back? ›

Box 2 on our W2 is the amount of tax withheld from your wages. However, this does not tell you how much you will get back. On your form 1040, you will see your refund on line 34. If you owe, the amount will be on line 37.

How do I get my W-2 if I no longer work there? ›

You will need to contact your former company HR or Payroll department to request a copy of your W-2.

Can TurboTax look up my W-2? ›

TurboTax does not have a copy of your W-2—the Wage & Tax Statement—issued to you by your employer, (nor does TurboTax have copies of your 1099's). You should always save those documents for your own records. You could ask the employer(s) for copies or you can get a copy from Social Security (for a fee of $90).

How do I get my W-2 from Walmart if I no longer work there? ›

If you are no longer employed at Walmart, you can request a copy of your W2 from the company's payroll department. You will need to provide your name, Social Security number, and date of birth. The payroll department can be reached by calling 1-800-WALMART.

How do I get my W 2s from CVS? ›


Go to www.myhr.cvs.com. Click on W-2 and Electronic Consent to view or print your W-2.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.