[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (2024)

Most Warframe players know that the Tenet weapons are some of the best in the game and have a crazy twist on the original versions of each. Personally, my biggest goal in the game is to acquire all of the Tenet weapons currently.

Tenet weapons can give you a huge advantage on the battlefield. Huge, meaning the equivalent to walking up into a fist fight with a grenade launcher. The difference is massive! This guide will help you get any of the best Tenet weapons available.

1. Tenet Envoy

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (1)This discreet rocket launcher is equally at home in a board meeting or in a casual outing. Aimed rockets are wire-guided for greater accuracy, but travel more slowly. The patented Granum Attache System reloads the weapon when holstered.

The Tenet Envoy is a great choice as a primary weapon if you're going up against large groups of enemies. This Primary Launcher-type weapon requires a mastery rank of 16 to weild, but is well worth it.

What Makes Tenet Envoy Great

  • The Tenet Envoy features a very high amount of cold damage, causing enemies to inevitably freeze and shatter. It’s also highly effective against alloy armor, Shielded, and infested foes.

  • The status chance on Tenet Envoy is very high along with its critical chance and critical multiplier.

  • Tenet Envoy has insanely high accuracy due to its missiles having the ability to be manually guided, and each missile explodes in an 8 meter-radius after coming in contact with either an enemy or a surface, where the first hit and the explosion both trigger status chance separately, maximizing possible damage output.

  • Magazine holds 8 rounds at once, which is pretty big for an explosive weapon, and while the gun is holstered, it reloads 1 round per second, making reload time much faster while you’re multitasking. Just switch to your other weapon to use for a while and entirely minimize any reload time delay.

  • Based on the Sister’s warframe that you obtained the gun from, you can get bonus status of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more amazing.

How to Get Tenet Envoy

Tenet Envoy Details

2. Tenet Arca Plasmor

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (4)Custom variant of a Corpus classic. Staggering blasts now ricochet and have greater range at the cost of a slower fire and reload speed. Surviving enemies are consumed by radiation.

The Tenet Arca Plasmor is the new and improved variant of the Arca Plasmor, featuring a higher damage output, critical multiplier, status chance, and a longer damage falloff range.

Why is Tenet Arca Plasmor Great

  • Tenet Arca Plasmor has a super high radiation damage output, leaving enemies feeling the effect of its attacks long after the initial hit has been made, dealing extra damage, and even killing faster.

  • If you’re trying to be all sneaky-sneaky and not leave a mess behind or evidence that you’re in the enemy's territory, this is most definitely a great gun to use. It’s victims are vaporized upon death.

  • You can polarize the Tenet Arca Plasmor with Formas to increase its max rank by two everytime, with a maximum possible rank of 40 rather than 30.

  • The Tenet Arca Plasmor comes with additional status damage of impact, cold, heat electricity, toxin, magnetic, or radiation, depending on the warfram of the Sister you got the shotgun from, increasing its already insanely high base damage by another 25-60%

  • This shotgun has a very low zoom, making it easier to do widespread damage, with bullets that ricochet off surfaces, preventing wasted emmo in most cases, with a gnarly 3 meter punchthrough on enemies.

How to Get Tenet Arca Plasmor

Tenet Arca Plasmor Details

3. Tenet Cycron

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (7)This reengineered Cycron features a refracting energy disc that can split off its main target hitting up to two additional nearby targets.

The Tenet Cycron is the Tenet variant of the original Cycron, a secondary beam pistol that once did radiation damage. Now, it outputs a high amount of heat damage, though it requires a mastery rank of 14 to wield.

Why is Tenet Cycron Great

  • The Tenet Cycron has insane accuracy, paired with a 40% status chance and phenomenal effectiveness against cloned flesh, infested, and infested flesh.

  • Tenet Cycron now has a 1 meter punchthrough as well as the ability to chain enemies. This pistol can chain a maximum of two nearby enemies and deal 60% of the beam’s initial damage to each as long as they're within 7 meters, and you can even still connect between enemies using corpses of dead enemies.

  • This is another of those wonderful weapons that doesn’t require ammo pickups, and has no risk of running out of ammo as it regenerates at a rate of 40 ammo per second, which means it only takes one second to replenish an entirely depleted ammo supply for the Tenet Cycron.

  • Based on the Sister’s warframe that you obtained the gun from, you can get bonus status of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more amazing.

  • You can polarize the Tenet Cycron up to 5 times, with a rank cap at 40.

How to Get Tenet Cycron

Tenet Cycron Details

4. Tenet Grigori

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (10)On heavy slide attack, this Corpus scythe launches a spinning energy disc that ricochets throughout the battlefield. Its lifetime is derived from the size of the Combo Counter.

Tenet Grigori is a one-of-a-kind melee scythe weapon, requiring a mastery rank of 14 to wield. This weapon has some absolutely amazing features, and is very capable of slicing through foes with ease.

Why is Tenet Grigori Great

  • The Tenet Grigori primarily deals slash damage, along with impact and puncture as well, making it effective against nearly all enemy types, particularly their health.

  • This scythe most definitely stands above Warframe’s other scythe-style weapons with its critical and status chance, and holds the highest attack speed and blocking angle of all scythes.

  • Tenet Grigori’s heavy slide attack is quite unique. It throws a spinning energy disc up to 10 meters, all the while punching through every body it encounters, and ricocheting off surfaces.

  • This is my absolute favorite characteristic of the Tenet Grigori: When you holster the scythe, it’s combo counter just pauses rather than reverting back to zero, thus giving the potential to have a constantly maxed out combo counter and regularly deal highly multiplied damage amounts.

  • Depending on Ergo Glast’s weekly stock, you can get bonus status of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more amazing, much like the other Tenet weapons.

How to Get Tenet Grigori

Tenet Grigori Details

5. Tenet Flux

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (13)

Sister-modified Flux rifle with increased fire rate and range. Recharge has been replaced with ammo clips to accommodate greater power needs.

This primary rifle weapon is definitely a powerful one, indeed. It requires a mystery rank of 16 to wield.

Why is Tenet Flux Great

  • Depending on the Sister’s warframe that you obtained the gun from, you can get bonus status of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more amazing, much like the other Tenet weapons.

  • You can polarize the Tenet Flux with Formas to increase its max rank by two everytime, with a maximum possible rank of 40 rather than 30.

  • The Tenet Flux has a super high firing rate, along with good critical chance, great status chance, and the biggest magazine size and ammo pool among all other Warframe rifles.

How to Get Tenet Flux

Tenet Flux Details

6. Tenet Detron

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (16)

Parvos Granum’s engineers have made this already ferocious hand-cannon even more deadly with the addition of an alternate fire mode that empties an entire clip in one devastating burst.

The Tenet Detron is probably one of the coolest secondary weapons I’ve come across yet. First of all, it’s an entire shotgun, but in a sidearm’s size. Getting you mastery rank p to 16 to wield this gun is very much worth it.

Why is Tenet Detron Great

  • Like all other Tenet weapons, depending on the Sister’s warframe that you obtained the gun from, you can get bonus status of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more powerful.

  • Tenet Detron deals primarily radiation damage, meaning any enemies not killed off by it’s powerful shots get consumed by radiation and continue taking damage.

  • The Tenet Detron is an all around amazing weapon with its good critical and status chance, speedy reload time, good accuracy, and multishot of 10 pellets per shot.

  • Tenet Detron’s alternate firing mode is downright deadly. It allows you to fire the remaining shot in the magazine all at once. Pair that with some ammo increasing mods, and you’ve got yourself an unstoppable weapon, for sure.

How to Get Tenet Detron

Tenet Detron Details

7. Tenet Tetra

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (19)Parvosian upgrade of the classic Tetra. Slower fire rate with a larger magazine. Can now alt fire an entire clip as a large burst radius grenade launcher.

This primary rifle weapon is mastery unlocked at rank 16, and packs quite a heavy punch with it’s alternate firing mode.

Why is Tenet Tetra Great

  • Like all other Tenet weapons, depending on the Sister’s warframe that you obtained the gun from, you can get bonus status of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more powerful.

  • You can polarize the Tenet Tetra with Formas to increase its max rank by two everytime, with a maximum possible rank of 40 rather than 30.

  • Tenet Tetra’s alternate fire mode allows you to fire a single grease that explodes in an 8 meter radius upon coming in contact with an enemy or surface, dealing massive amounts of blast damage.

  • The Tenet Tetra has all together great stats: very high base damage for both fire modes, very high critical chance and multiplier, high status chance, excellent reload speed, and a very large magazine size.

How to Get Tenet Tetra

Tenet Tetra Details

8. Tenet Diplos

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (22)

Itemize and execute with this pair of auto-lock-on homing-projectile pistols. Shoot from the hip for a more conventional pistol experience. The patented Granum Attache System reloads the weapons while holstered.

The Tenet Diplos are extraordinary secondary dual wielded pistols that require a mastery rank of 16 and are fully automatic.

Why is Tenet Diplos Great

  • The Tenet Diplos deal very high puncture and impact damage, making them extra effective against armor and shields, making it much easier to fight bosses.

  • Like all other Tenet weapons, depending on the Sister’s warframe that you obtained the gun from, you can get bonus status for the Tenet Diplos of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more powerful.

  • You can polarize the Tenet Diplos with Formas to increase its max rank by two everytime, with a maximum possible rank of 40 rather than 30.

  • Aiming the Tenet Diplos allows for a lock on mode, making your accuracy sky-rocket, and targeting up to eight enemies at once.

How to Get Tenet Diplos

Tenet Diplos Details

9. Tenet Spirex

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (25)Dominate rivals with this pistol’s lightning fast rail-slugs. Headshots speed up reload.

If you’re anything like me, you will absolutely love this weapon. This secondary pistol requires a mastery rank of 14.

Why is Tenet Spirex Great

  • Like other Tenet weapons, depending on the Sister’s warframe that you obtained the gun from, you can get bonus status for the Tenet Spirex of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more powerful.

  • You can polarize the Tenet Spirex with Formas to increase its max rank by two everytime, with a maximum possible rank of 40 rather than 30.

  • The Tenet Spirex deals primarily heat damage, making it effective against cloned flesh, infested, and infested flesh

  • When you make a successful headshot, it activates the Bullseye Reload buff which is stackable and increases reload speed by 25%

  • Each shot explodes in a two meter radius upon impact with a surface or foe, and doesn’t need a direct line of sight to deal explosive damage.

How to Get Tenet Spirex

Tenet Spirex Details

10. Tenet Exec

[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (28)Leverage bleeding-edge Granum tech with this massive heavy blade. Slame sends forth a cascading set of three shockwaves, whie heavy slam unleashes a swath of shockwaves.

The Tenet Exec is a Heavy Blade melee weapon, requiring a mastery rank of 16 to wield. It may not be the fastest melee weapon, but it hits hard.

Why is Tenet Exec Great

  • The Tenet Exec does primarily impact damage. That’s right, it’s a great big shield destroyer.

  • You can polarize the Tenet Exec with Formas to increase its max rank by two everytime, with a maximum possible rank of 40 rather than 30.

  • Like other Tenet weapons, depending on Ergo Glast’s weekly stock, you can get bonus status for the Tenet Exec of either impact, heat, cold, electricity, toxic, magnetic, or radiation damage, thus increasing the base damage of the weapon by 25-60%, making it that much more powerful.

  • Tenet Exec’s slam and heavy slam attacks have a unique property to them. They release shockwaves that explode every 5 meters in succession.

How to Get Tenet Exec

Tenet Exec Details

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[Top 10] Warframe Best Tenet Weapons and How to Get Them (2024)


What is the best tenet weapon in Warframe? ›

Tenet Arca Plasmor: One of the top five popular weapons in Warframe, Tenet Arca Plasmor is a reliable plasma shotgun that can get the job done in any situation - be it Sorties or Steel Path survival runs.

Is Tenet Tetra good in 2024? ›

[Tetra] destroys the competition here, having the highest total dps by a huge margin, ricochet projectiles and double the [Mag] size, while also requiring almost 0 investment like all tenet weapons compared to the others.

Where can you buy tenet weapons? ›

You can obtain four Tenet weapons from Ergo Glast at any Relay, requiring Corrupted Holokeys found in Railjack Void Storms.

Can you fuse Tenet weapons? ›

Kuva Lich/Tenet Weapons

Valence Fusion combines two of the same Kuva or Tenet weapons into one with a higher Elemental Bonus, multiplying the highest bonus of the two weapons by 1.1, capping at 60% bonus. Valence Fusion can be found under the Actions button while modding a weapon.

How to get tenet plasmor? ›

Tenet Arca Plasmor is obtained by vanquishing a Sister who generated with one equipped. After the Sister is vanquished it will be in the player's Foundry ready to claim. While the weapon itself is not tradeable, a converted Sister generated with the weapon can be traded to another player.

Is Tenno a human? ›

The Tenno are a race of warriors, derived from the Orokin race, themselves an offshoot of the Human race. Each Tenno possesses a suit of remote-controlled armor called a Warframe.

What is the best dual weapon in Warframe? ›

Incarnon Dual Ichor, Dual Keres Prime and Nami Skyla Prime are the top of this melee type.

How to get tenet cycron? ›

The player does not have to meet the Mastery Rank displayed to obtain this weapon. It can simply be claimed from the foundry after the Lich/Sister carrying it has been vanquished.

How to get tenet ferrox? ›

The Tenet Ferrox is the first Tenet ranged weapon obtainable via purchase from Ergo Glast, as all other available Tenet weapons from the Perrin Sequence have up to this point been melee weapons. The Tenet Ferrox is the first charge trigger weapon that has a fully automatic firing function.

Can I keep 4 tetra? ›

Tetras generally are a very social aquarium fish, and Neons are no exception to the rule. They should be kept in a minimum group of four, allowing them to shoal providing them with safety in number. This is especially important, when keeping Neon tetras with other fish.

How to get a Kuva sister? ›

By choosing to kill the Sister Candidate with a Parazon Mercy kill, the player causes a Sister to rise in the Origin System, thus becoming the Progenitor of that Sister, and the Warframe used for this is recognized as the Progenitor Warframe.

How to get tenet Lich? ›

Tenet Acquisition

The trade is performed inside a Clan Dojo's Crimson Branch room, and the recipient must not have any active Lich or Sister. Once traded, the recipient must fight and vanquish the Sister to claim their weapon.

What is a tenet weapon Warframe? ›

Tenet weapons are special Corpus weapons. Ranged Tenet weapons carried by a player's Sister and can be acquired once the Sister is Vanquished. If the player has enough weapon slots, they can claim these weapons from their Foundry, bypassing the supposed Mastery Rank requirement on these weapons.

Is the Tenet Envoy good in Warframe? ›

The Tenet Envoy is a good weapon to equip on on-call Railjack crew members as their AI focuses on aiming the weapon, effectively redirecting all rockets on incoming enemies.

Which element is best for tenet envoy? ›

Due to the percentage chance of getting Slash procs the weapon can be a bit slow against the Corrupted and Grineer. However, it still can easily deal with them in just a couple Rockets, especially in Large Groups. The Element for the Tenet Envoy against the Infested will be Gas or Viral/Heat.


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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