White Clover Pudding: A Recipe for Comfort & Healing (2024)

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Danielle Prohom OlsonFloral Delights, Recipe, Spring, Summer, Summer, Sweet Treats, Wild Ediblescomfort food, healing, pudding, white clover, white clover honey24 Comments

White Clover Pudding: A Recipe for Comfort & Healing (1)

Little did I know when I first came across an old pioneer recipe for “White Clover Snow” that it would be my solace during dark and hungry times. But after a recent dental pummeling that left me aching and unable to chew, it was this sweet unassuming little ‘pudding’that rode to my rescue. Spooning its creamy softness into my mouth was soothing and nourishing – and I took great comfort knowing it was chock full of medicinal ingredients that would help speed healing along.

Although the original recipe called forMililotus Mill, the tall, field sweet clover, I wasn’t quite up to going on a forage – so I adapted with what I had on hand – the white clover that was growing in profusion right outside my front door.

Overshadowed by her taller better known sister Red Clover, Trifolium repens L.rarely raises her frilly head above a height of eight inches – which might explain why we hardly notice her, even though she practically grows in every patch of grass the eye can see. And she is one of the oldest cultivated plants in existence, having been brought here by early settlers from Europe.

Why she is not as often used in herbalist remedies or wild cookery today is puzzling – she is reputed to be just as medicinal and even more delicious. But while she might be neglected by us, she is beloved by bees who far prefer gathering pollen from her white blossoms than the red.

White clover is high in protein (being from the legume family) as wellas many nutrients and minerals – and is sweet and tasty. And you can even make the blossoms into awhite clover flour which Iwill most certainly be making. Most of us are familiar with her flavour through White Clover Honey, the most commonly used table honey today. And like Red Clover she is a potent healer with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, as well as a blood and lymph cleanser, helping dispel toxins from cells and tissues.

Add to this her magical reputation as breaker of curses and dispeller of “ill’ energy and you can see why she makes a good choice for those who are a little down and in need of revitalizing. So while this may not be the desert to wow your guests with at a dinner party,I assure you that the sweet healing energy of the white clover blossoms, combined with golden honey, rich gentle thick cream (or full fat yogurt) and the bright uplifting flavour of orange – make it the perfect comfort food for those occasions when a little tender loving care is in order.

White Clover Pudding


  • 2 cups of white clover blossoms (remove/snip petals from the flower head and discard any browned petals)
  • 1 tbsp (or one sheet) of organic unflavored gelatin
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup of fresh squeezed orange juice (approx. two largeoranges)
  • 4 tablespoons of White Clover Honey preferably – though any honey will do
  • 1 cup of heavy cream whipped to stiffness (or 1 cup of full fat organic Greek yogurt)
  • pinch of salt


  • Dissolve the gelatin in 1/4 cup of water.
  • In a small saucepan slowly bring to a boil the white clover blossoms, water, orange juice, honey and salt.
  • Remove from heat, stir in gelatin until completely dissolved, and allow to stand for 10 minutes.
  • Place covered in refrigerator until the mixture begins to jell.
  • Whip 1 cup of heavy cream until it stiffens OR get your cup of yogurt handy
  • Fold whipped cream or yogurt into the jelled clover mixture.
  • Place into a clear class serving bowl and refrigerate until set.

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  1. I love that recipe and your photos very much as well!



  2. If you are a first timer to the clover eating club, what you first need to know is that you must use the freshest blossoms you can find, and use them immediately. Blossoms left to brown will ferment almost immediately and the toxic compound made is Warfarin- a medical blood thinner and main ingredient in rat poison.



    1. Hi Mary, Thanks for the warning, but I thought that this applied only to the taller meadow sweet clovers or melilotus? I’m not sure if it is true for our common little white clover, Trifolium repens? But, yes I only used the freshest blossoms for this recipe and discarded any browning petals.



  3. Reblogged this on Cymraes's Corner and commented:
    There comes a time, when culinary delights, simple foraging and magic mix deliciously. This is one of those moments… with thanks to Danielle for this dessert… It’s sounds heavenly!



  4. Just discovered your site…this recipe is wonderful! I’ve been fascinated lately with the plants growing in my yard, and can’t wait to try this out on my little clovers!



  5. Such a beautiful presentation of this healing gem.
    Thank you so much.



    1. What properties does it have in a salve?



  6. I am so grateful to you for this recipe and information. I too have a profusion of White clover which I have always allowed to run riot as the Bees love it so much. Now I can make this with it. Herbally, I would imagine that it is rather like the difference between white and red valerian, the white just has milder medicinal properties than their red cousins.
    Thanks again, you are a Star for sharing this 🙂



  7. Beautiful post! A pudding made with white clover. How fun is that? I will adapt it, though, to use pectin or cornstarch instead of gelatin because I’m vegetarian. This has been the year I’ve discovered edible flowers and herbs, opening up a whole new world to me. Thanks be to God for His amazing creation.



    1. You can use agar to adapt it. Agar is from seaweed and is a perfect vegan substitute for gelatin.



  8. Very interesting and enjoyable read. I’m glad I stumbled onto your page!



  9. What a great recipe. One more warning – honey when heated looses all healing properties, and according to Ayurveda becomes toxic. If you feed cooked honey to the bees, they will die. I would just slightly modify the above recipe, and add honey after water-blossom mixture is taken of the heat. If one wants to preserve maximum vit C from the orange juice, it should not be heated either… I wonder if those alterations would significantly change the taste of the pudding… One more note, I am not sure if just bringing honey to boil temperature causes negative changes, or if you have to cook it for longer. That would require more research.



    1. Very interesting & positive suggestions and I don’t see any reason why the recipe couldn’t be augmented to do so! Thank-you!



  10. For an extra health boost, you could substitute the gelatin with chis seeds.



  11. I made this for a Lughnasadh potluck earlier this year, and was just refering back to this recipe to write it into my book of shadows for future sabbats! Thank you very much 😀



    1. Well thank-you! Such a beautiful underutilized plant…one of these days I hope to get around to making white clover flour and white clover crispbreads!



  12. Does it have to be orange juice? I wonder what other juices might do well. It sounds sooo delicious



    1. I think it’s the citric twist that gives the pudding some life…but give it a try and let me know how it works out!



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White Clover Pudding:  A Recipe for Comfort & Healing (2024)


What is the medicinal use of white clover? ›

White clover seed has long been used as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments, including respiratory problems, skin disorders, and digestive issues. It has also been used to treat pain, inflammation, and fever. In addition, it is believed to be beneficial for treating anxiety and depression.

What can you make with white clover? ›

I use the blossoms raw in salads and in tortilla wraps. Their sweet taste and crunchy texture are absolutely stunning when used as decorations for cakes or cupcakes; the perfect way to bring some summer joy into your baking.

Is white clover edible for humans? ›

All aerial parts of this plant are edible, including the stems, leaves, flowers, and seed pods. The leaves and flowers have a delicate, sweet taste and can be used fresh right after harvesting or dried for later use.

What are the disadvantages of white clover? ›

Clover will attract bees because of its white flowers. This can be unfavorable if you are allergic or have people and pets who play on the lawn. Clover is an invasive grower because the roots spread out far and fast. The roots can even creep over edging and enter into your gardens.

How to make a clover tincture? ›

Fill the jar with vodka until the blossoms are fully covered. Close with a well-fitting lid and leave to sit in a cool, dark place. Check your jar and give it a good shake every few days. You should see the color draining from the blossoms as the tincture evolves.

What do you eat with white pudding? ›

Our White Pudding recipe mixes oatmeal, onion and beef suet. We season it to perfection to provide a pudding that is a great accompaniment for mince and tatties or for stuffing chicken. In our part of the world, we often add to our fried breakfast.

What is the main ingredient in white pudding? ›

White pudding is broadly similar to black pudding, but does not include blood. Modern recipes consist of suet or fat, oatmeal or barley, breadcrumbs and in some cases pork and pork liver, filled into a natural or cellulose sausage casing. Recipes in previous centuries included a wider range of ingredients.

What is another name for white pudding? ›

Other names for it include mealie pudding, mealy pudding or oatmeal pudding. In England it is known as Hog's pudding, especially in Cornwall and Devon.

What is the difference between clover and white clover? ›

What is the difference between white and red clover? White clover spreads laterally and grows shorter than red clover, which grows tall and erect. White clover is a durable plant that can reseed itself even in grazing conditions, but red clover has a short life cycle of two to three years.

Who eats white clover? ›

Plenty of mammals eat the foliage and flowers of white clover: voles, rabbits, groundhogs, deer, bear, and others. Insects eat this plant, too, including certain types of leaf beetles, weevils, leaf-mining fly larvae, aphids, mealybugs, and plant bugs, and certain types of butterfly and moth caterpillars.

What are the two types of white clover? ›

The three general types of white clover usually recognized are (1) large, (2) intermediate, and (3) small. Large type: „Ladino‟ is the recommended cultivar of the large type. It is two to four times as large as common white clover.

Is white clover toxic to dogs? ›

Fact: White clover is not toxic to dogs, unlike chocolate. It's a common plant found in yards that generally doesn't pose a risk to your furry friend. Myth: Dogs that eat white clover will immediately fall ill. Fact: Most dogs can munch on white clover without any adverse effects.

Is white sweet clover medicinal? ›

Sweet clover is sometimes used along with regular medicines for treatment of blood clots in the veins. Other uses include treatment of hemorrhoids and blockage of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system drains fluid from tissues. Some people apply sweet clover directly to the skin for bruises.

Can you eat too much clover? ›

First, it's crucial to understand that white clover is not toxic to humans. While it's true that animals can suffer from bloat if they consume too much clover, this is largely irrelevant to human health. In fact, white clover has been a staple in traditional diets and remedies, valued for its nutrient content.

Can you use white clover for tea? ›

White Clover is a common garden and lawn “weed.” However, it is edible and makes a tasty, nutricious, and medicinal tea! Flowers: Bloom from March October. Flowers are white and turn brown over time.

Is white clover tea safe? ›

Scientific consensus supports its safety, with no significant health risks associated with its ingestion. While some plants do pose dangers, white clover is not one of them.

Is white clover a blood thinner? ›

Through the years, White Clover has also been used as an herbal remedy for fever, coughs, nausea and dizziness. Although modern herbalists say White Clover can have a blood-thinning effect, it is considered safe to consume in moderation.

Why do farmers plant white clover? ›

White clover is a low-growing forage legume used predominantly in pasture mixtures with grasses. It improves forage quality above a pure grass stand and supplies nitrogen for grass growth. White clover can tolerate close grazing but persists best if allowed a period to recover.


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